• Chartering Terms Start With “A”

    AA – Always Afloat
    AAAA = Always Accessible Always Afloat
    AARA = Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area
    A/C = Account
    ABS = American Bureau of Shipping.
    ABT = About
    Accomplished Bill of Lading
    ADCOM = Address Commission
    AHR = Antwerp Hamburg Range
    A/E or ACC/EXC = Accept/Except
    AFSPS = Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Norway)
    AFFREIGHTMENT – The hiring of a ship in whole or part
    AFRA = Average Freight Rate Assesments
    AFT = At or towards the stern or rear of a ship
    AGW = All Going Well
    AHL = Australian Hold Ladders
    AMWELSH93 = Americanized Welsh Coal Charter – Revised 1993
    ANTHAM = Antwerp-Hamburg Range
    APS = Arrival Pilot Station
    ARAG = Amsterdam-Rotterdam–Antwerp-Ghent Range
    A/S = Alongside
    ATDNSHINC = Any Time Day or Night Sundays and Holidays Included
    ATS = All Time Saved
    ATUTC = Actual Times Used to Count
    AUSWHEAT 1990 = Australian Wheat Charter 1990
    Chartering Terms Start With “B”

    BAF = Bunker Adjustment Factor
    BALTIME 1939 = BIMCO Uniform Time-Charter (as revised 2001)
    BAREBOAT CHTR = Bareboat Charter
    BBB = Before Breaking Bulk
    BDI = Both Dates Inclusive
    BENDS = Both Ends (Load & Discharge Ports)
    BI = Both Inclusive
    BIMCO = The Baltic and International Maritime Council
    BL (1) = Bale
    BL (2) = (Bill of Lading) A document signed by the carrier which acts as a receipt and evidence of title to the cargo
    Blt = Built
    BM = Beam
    BEAM = The maximum breadth of a ship
    BOB = Bunker on Board
    BOFFER = Best Offer
    BROB = Bunkers Remaining on Board
    B/S = Bunker Surcharge
    BSS = Basis
    BSS 1/1 = Basis 1 Port to 1 Port
    BT = Berth Terms
    BTN = Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
    BWAD = Brackish Water Arrival Draft
    Chartering Terms Start With “C”

    CA = Controlled Atmosphere
    CABAF = Currency and Bunker Adjustment Factor
    CBM = Cubic Meter
    CBFT (or CFT) = Cubic Feet
    CCR = Container Code Recognition
    CENSA = Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners
    CEU = Car Equivalent Unit
    CFR (or C&F) = Cost and Freight
    CHOPT = Charterers Option
    CHTRS = Charterers
    CIF = Cost, Insurance & Freight. Seller pays all these costs to a nominated port or place of discharge.
    COA = Contract of Affreightment
    COACP = Contract of Affreightment Charter Party
    COB = Close of Business
    COD = Cash On Delivery
    COGSA = Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
    CONS = Consumption
    COP = Custom of Port
    CP (or C/P) = Charter Party
    CPD = Charterers Pay Dues
    CPT = Carriage Paid To
    CQD = Customary Quick Dispatch
    CROB = Cargo Remaining on Board
    CRN = Crane
    CSI = Container Security Initiative
    CST = Centistoke
    C-TPAT = Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Program
    CTR = Container Fitted
    CY = Container Yard
    Chartering Terms Start With “D”

    DAP = Delivered at Place
    DAPS = Days all Purposes
    DDU = Delivered Duty unpaid
    DDP = Delivered Duty Paid
    DEM = Demurrage
    DESP = Despatch
    DET = Detention
    DHDATSBE = Dispatch Half Demurrage on Actual Time Saved Both Ends
    DHDWTSBE = Dispatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends
    DISCH = Discharge
    DISRATE = Rate of Discharge
    DK = Deck
    DLOSP = Dropping Last Outwards Sea Pilot (Norway)
    DO = Diesel Oil
    DOC = Document of Compliance
    DOLSP = Dropping Off Last Sea Pilot (Norway)
    DOP = Dropping Outward Pilot
    DOT = Department of Transport
    DNRSAOCLONL = Discountless and Non-Returnable Ship and/or Cargo Lost or Not Lost
    DRAFT =
    DRK = Derrick
    DWAT (or DWT) = Deadweight
    DWCC = Deadweight Cubic Capacity
    D1/2D = Demurrage Half Despatch
    Chartering Terms Start With “E”

    EBAF = Emergency Bunker Adjustment Factor
    EBS = Emergency Bunker Surcharge
    EC = East Coast
    EIU = Even if Used
    ELVENT = Electric Ventilation
    ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
    ETC = Estimated Time of Completion
    ETD = Estimated Time of Departure
    ETS = Estimated Time of Sailing
    EXW = Ex Works
    Chartering Terms Start With “F”

    FAS = Free Alongside Ship
    FAF = Fuel Adjustment Factor
    FAK = Freight All Kinds
    FCA = Free Carrier
    F&CC = Full and Complete Cargo
    FCL = Full Container Load
    FD = Free of Despatch
    FD = Free Discharge
    FDD = Freight Demurrage Deadfreight
    FDIS = Free Discharge
    FEU = Forty foot container equivalency unit Standard 40′ Container
    FFABA = The Forward Freight Agreement Brokers’ Association
    FFW = Freight Forwarder
    FHEX = Fridays/Holidays Excluded
    FHINC = Fridays/Holidays Included
    FILO = Free In/Liner Out.
    FIO = Free In/Out.
    FIOS = Free In/Out Stowed.
    FIOT = Free In/Out and Trimmed.
    FIOST = Free In/Out and Trimmed.
    FIT = Free In Trimmed
    FIW = Free In Wagon
    FIXING = Chartering a Vessel
    FLT = Full Liner Terms
    FMC = Federal Maritime Commission
    FMS = Fathoms = 6 feet
    FO (IFO) = Fuel Oil/Intermediate FO
    FOB = Free on Board
    FOFFER = Firm Offer
    FOG = For Our Guidance
    FOQ = Free On Quay
    FOR = Free On Rail
    FOS = Fuel Oil Surcharge
    FOT = Free On Truck
    FOW (1) = First Open Water
    FOW (2) = Free On Wharf
    FREE OUT = Free of discharge costs to Owners
    FWAD = Fresh Water Arrival Draft
    FWDD = Fresh Water Departure Draft
    FYG = For Your Guidance
    FYI = For Your Information
    Chartering Terms Start With “G”

    GA = General Average
    GASBEND = Good and Safe Port Both Ends
    GLS = Gearless
    GNCN = Gencon a standard BIMCO charter party form
    GN (or GR) = Grain (capacity)
    GNS = German North Sea
    GO = Gas Oil
    GRD = Geared
    GRT = Gross Registered Tonnage
    GSB = Good Safe Berth
    GSP = Good Safe Port
    GTEE = Guarantee
    Chartering Terms Start With “H”

    2H = Second Half
    HA = Hatch
    HDWTS = Half Dispatch Working Time Saved
    HMS = Heavy Metal Scrap
    HO = Hold
    HRS = Hours
    HVFL = Heavy Fuel
    HW = High Water
    Chartering Terms Start With “I”

    IMDG Code = International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
    IMO = International Maritime Organization
    ICC = Institute Cargo Clauses
    IND = Indication
    ITF = International Transport Federation
    IU = If Used
    IUATUTC = If Used, Actual Time Used To Count
    IUHATUTC = If Used, Half Actual Time Used To Count
    IWL = Institute Warranty Limits
    Chartering Terms Start With “J”

    Chartering Terms Start With “K”
    KN = Knots
    Chartering Terms Start With “L”

    LASH (1) =
    LASH (2) =
    LAT = Latitude
    LOA = Length Overall of the vessel
    LOW = Last Open Water
    LS (or LUMPS) = Lumpsum
    LSD = Lashed Secured Dunnaged
    LT = Liner Terms
    LW = Low Water
    LYCN = Laycan (Layday Canceling Date)
    Chartering Terms Start With “M”

    MB = Merchant Broker
    MDO (DO) = Marine Diesel Oil
    MIN/MAX = Minimum/Maximum (cargo quantity)
    MOLCHOPT = More or Less Charterers Option
    MOLOO = More or Less Owners Option
    MT = Metric Ton (i.e. 1,000 kilos / 2204.6lbs)
    M/V = Motor Vessel
    Chartering Terms Start With “N”

    NAABSA = Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground
    NCB = National Cargo Bureau
    NESTING = Implies that cargo is presented stacked in the contour of similarly shaped cargo, it may be likened to a stack of plates.
    NON-REVERSIBLE = (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days will not be added to discharge time allowed.
    NOR = Notice of Readiness
    NRT = Net Registered Tonnage
    NYPE = New York Produce Exchange
    Chartering Terms Start With “O”

    OO = Owners Option
    OSH = Open Shelter Deck
    OWS = Owners
    Chartering Terms Start With “P”

    PASTUS = Past Us
    PC = Period of Charter
    PCGO = Part Cargo
    PCT = Percent
    PDPR = Per Day Pro Rata
    PERDIEM = Per Diem = By the Day
    PHPD = Per Hatch Per Day
    PRATIQUE = License or permission to use a port
    Chartering Terms Start With “R”

    RCVR = Receivers
    REVERSIBLE (Detention) = If loading completed sooner than expected at load port, then days saved can be added to discharge operations.
    ROB = Remaining On Board
    RT = Revenue Ton (i.e. 1.0 metric Ton or 1.0 cubic meter, whichever is greater). The overall RT is calculated on a line by line basis of the Packing List using the largest amount. The overall freight liability is calculated on the total RT amount, multiplied by the freight rate.
    Chartering Terms Start With “S”

    SATPM = Saturday P.M.
    SB = Safe Berth
    SD (or SID) = Single Decker
    SELFD = Self Discharging
    SF = Stowage factor.
    SHINC = Sundays/Holidays Included
    SHEX = Sundays/Holidays Excluded
    SKIDS =
    SL = Bale (capacity)
    SOC = Shipper Owned Container
    SOF = Statement Of Facts
    SP = Safe Port
    SRBL = Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading
    SSHEX (or SATSHEX) = Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded
    SSHINC (or SATSHINC) = Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included
    STARBOARD = Right side of a ship when facing the bow
    STEM = Subject To Enough Merchandise (Availability of Cargo)
    STERN = The aft part of a ship
    SUB = Subject (to)
    SWAD = Salt Water Arrival Draft
    SWDD = Salt Water Departure Draft
    Chartering Terms Start With “T”

    TC = Time Charter
    TEU = Twenty Foot Equivalency Unit Standard 20′ Container
    TTL = Total
    TW = Tween Decker
    Chartering Terms Start With “U”

    USC = Unless Sooner Commenced
    UU = Unless Used
    UUIUATUTC = Unless Used If Used Actual Time Used To Count
    Chartering Terms Start With “V”

    VPD = Vessel Pays Dues
    Chartering Terms Start With “W”

    WCCON = Whether Customs Cleared Or Not
    WIBON = Whether In Berth Or Not
    WIFPON = Whether In Free Pratique or not
    WIPON = Whether In Port Or Not
    WLTOHC (distance) Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming
    WOG = Without Guarantee
    WPD = Weather Permitting Day
    WWD = Weather Working Day
    WRIC = Wire Rods In Coils
    WWR = When, Where Ready
    WWWW = Wibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon
    Chartering Terms Start With “Y”

    YAR = York Antwerp Rules